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Aromatherapy Certification

Aromatheapy Oils

Become certified in aromatherapy while learning how to provide a full body massage. 




7 days of hands-on, in-class massage instruction 


Aromatherapy textbook & aromatherapy manual — illustrated manual contains essential oil information, a guide on the use of hydrosols, floral waters, compresses, poultices, hydrotherapy, how to design treatment plans, and write case histories.


Aromatica massage manual — illustrated manual of massage techniques for a one-hour, full-body massage, client treatment session, as well as information on benefits of massage, preparations and documentation, hygiene, draping, timing, sample case history, and practicum guidelines. 


The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy by Salvatore Battaglia


additional instruction in the application of aromatherapy explaining the olfactory system and its uses for pregnancy & childbirth, babies & children, the elderly, energy work, perfume notes & blending.


Case study assignment — you must provide a detailed account of the treatment protocol you created for your client, the condition treated, and the benefits that were derived. You are required to make a presentation of your findings online or in person in your instructor's presence, with a short Q&A afterwards.


Tuition Fee & Registration

Investment: $2,925.00 — includes tuition, a pair of scrubs, a manual, a textbook, and ongoing mentoring.

A non-refundable deposit of $500.00 secures your space in class.  The balance of tuition ($2,425.00) is payable on the first day of massage training. There will be no refunds on tuition once the student has begun training and has received the training manual.


Accommodations & Meals

Students can opt to stay on site at a rate of $60/day - meals included.

© Diane Chorney 2000 - 2023

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